Pharmaceutical Marketing Has NO PLACE In Our Schools!

The pro-medical marketing in schools is no longer relegated to a few inner pages of middle school text books.  It is front-and-center indoctrination with social consequences for dissenters.   The CDC is now officially recommending to schools that they push pharmaceuticals to our children. ...

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Let’s Get HB262 Moving Before Summer Break!

Pennsylvania’s workforce is in imminent danger as corporations threaten the jobs of employees who choose not to take the COVID-19 injection. 1. CALL REPRESENTATIVE BENNINGHOFF’S HARRISBURG OFFICE AT (717) 783-1918 AND TELL THE STAFF THAT PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS NEED HB262 MOVED TO THE HOUSE...

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No jab, no job? NO WAY! Take action to protect employees in PA!

Suffering professional or financial consequences as a result of refusing an invasive pharmaceutical treatment or test is a clear violation of the human right to informed consent. Join us in urging our legislators to PASS HB262, the Right to Refuse Act, which will legally safeguard this basic right...

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What Vaccine Choice Rights Do Employees Have?

We have never before seen vaccinations being pushed on employees in so many of sectors of the workplace.  Healthcare workers are especially pressured to take vaccines as a condition for employment.  But does one really have to relinquish one’s bodily autonomy in order to be a part of this...

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Press Release: May 26 Rally to Oppose Minor Consent

May 25, 2021 The Pennsylvania Coalition for Informed Consent will join with other concerned citizens and groups from the region to voice their opposition to Senator Amanda Cappelletti’s proposed introduction of a bill to allow children to make vaccine choices without parental consent or...

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Rally to Oppose Minor Consent for Vaccines – May 26

CALLING ALL EASTERN PA ADVOCATES! Senator Amanda Cappelletti wants to introduce legislation that would allow children as young as 14 to choose whether or not to receive vaccines – without parental consent or knowledge! We saw this same government overreach play out in a minor consent...

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Tell Penn State: Do Not Mandate Covid-19 Shots

EVERY CALL COUNTS!  Last week the Penn State Faculty Senate passed a resolution to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations for all faculty, staff, and students before the start of the fall 2021 semester. Penn State Policies, including such mandates, come from the office of PSU President and Vice...

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PA HB261 – School Vaccination Exemption Announcements

Prime Sponsor: Representative Diamond PCIC SUPPORTS this bill. Formerly HB2037, this act will require schools to disclose vaccine exemption information whenever vaccination policies for school attendance are communicated. Every school year, notices of the school’s vaccine requirements are...

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