Our work

We work to preserve the vital personal freedom and human right to informed consent, privacy, and choice for medical procedures in Pennsylvania.

Informed Consent

Informed consent is only possible when adequate information on both benefits and risks is given, and patients’ decisions are free from coercion or penalty.


Bring your voice, your passion, and your skills to a local chapter or volunteer team.

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Active Action Alerts

These are time-sensitive campaigns in response to legislative initiatives in Pennsylvania that either protect or threaten our medical freedom. Click on the titles for details about how you can make a difference.

General Election 2024

General Election 2024

We’re updating our information daily, so bookmark this blog post and check back for updated information until Tuesday,...

Who are we?

We are families, employees, health care practitioners, and students all across the state who share in the work of building an informed community, educating leaders and legislators, and taking consistent, necessary action to shine a light on the critical need to protect bodily autonomy.

How can you help?

As a grassroots organization, we depend on our activists to drive the movement and support our mission. The passion, energy, and skills of our community members inspire us daily. We welcome you to join a local chapter or volunteer your talents on one of our teams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exemptions are available for students in PA?

Students in K-12 can exercise their right to vaccine exemptions based on medical, religious, or strong moral/ethical beliefs.  A small handful of private schools that receive no state funding do not accept non-medical exemptions, but most schools accept exemptions with no problem. See the Resources page for more information.

My employer says that I will get fired if I don’t take a vaccine. What can I do?

Please visit our Resources page for details on this topic.

How can I find a pediatrician who gives informed consent and supports all choices?

It is certainly troubling that most, if not all, pediatricians in PA are engaged in medical discrimination against families who delay or decline even one vaccine.  Family practices may be less strict with these requirements.  The best way to find a provider near you who respects parental rights to informed consent is through connecting with a local PCIC chapter group.

Take Part in Legislative Advocacy

Advocacy on the state level is vital to the medical freedom movement. Whether it is learning about bills or discussing problems with legislators, advocates play the role of liaison between the people and elected legislators. 


Get downloadable fact sheets, toolkits, template letters, and links to exemption laws in schools and other facilities.

Bills We're Watching

Find out the current and proposed legislation we’re monitoring—ones that we either support or oppose in accordance with our mission.


The generosity of our community helps us cover the many costs involved with running this volunteer organization. No donation is too small!

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