Help support our work by making a donation!
We greatly appreciate the selfless giving from our community to fund this important work and help cover the many costs associated with running the organization. We are 100% grassroots funded. Our power comes from our people and no donation is too small. THANK YOU for your generosity. You can use the Cornerstone or PayPal buttons below to pay with a credit card or mail a check payable to:
The PA Coalition for Informed Consent
PO Box 85
Conestoga, PA 17516
Please note: PCIC is a registered 501(c)4 organization, which means that we are a tax-free non-profit. However, because we are a political advocacy group, donations made to our organization are NOT tax deductible.
** Beginning November 2022, donate using our new preferred provider Cornerstone Payment Systems.
Recurring Donation
One-Time Donation
Who We Are
We are families, employees, health care practitioners, and students all across the state who share in the grassroots work of building an informed community, educating leaders and legislators, and taking consistent, necessary action to shine a light on the critical need to protect bodily autonomy, informed consent, and medical freedom.
Join a local chapter or become a volunteer!
Help us fight this good and noble fight in supporting informed consent and medical freedom for all.

Take Part in Legislative Advocacy
Advocacy on the state level is vital to the medical freedom movement. Whether it is learning about bills or discussing problems with legislators, advocates play the role of liaison between the people and elected legislators.