Updated February 6, 2018 Phone calls needed to gain support for this excellent bill! Please Help! PA Representatives Russ Diamond and Francis X. Ryan have introduced HB2037 that will require schools to disclose vaccine exemption information whenever vaccination policies for school attendance are...
Over the past few weeks, school districts across the state have been sending misleading information to parents regarding the changes in the PA immunization requirements for student attendance. While parents do need notification about these changes, many schools’ notices state that a child cannot...
Regulations were recently passed by the PA Departments of Health and Education that changed vaccine requirements for students in public, private, parochial, and home schools. The provisional period was shortened from 8 months to 5 days and several new vaccines were added to the schedule,...
Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach has announced his plan to once again introduce a bill to REMOVE THE MORAL/ETHICAL EXEMPTION to vaccine requirements for PA students. Similar legislation did not pass in the last session due to large numbers of citizens contacting their legislators to oppose...