AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Trials on Hold…Again.

The short version: a trial participant who received the actual Covid-19 vaccine, not a placebo, experienced serious neurological symptoms, diagnosed as transverse myelitis, whose symptoms are identical to those of paralytic polio. REMINDER #1: trial participants are ALWAYS carefully screened and...

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We are all ‘shocked’. Shocked.

We’re shocked, SHOCKED. Recent headline for a Brussels Times article: Coronavirus: BELGIAN EXPERTS ‘SHOCKED’ AS ASTRAZENCA SEEKS LIABILITY WAIVER FOR VACCINE Notice, they’re not just shocked. They’re ‘shocked.’ ” ‘There is a European directive on...

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Norway’s Public Health Leaders Came to Their Own Conclusion.

Why has Norway’s public health system come to such a different conclusion than the CDC? For that matter, why have they come to such a different conclusion than Governor Wolf and Dr. Levine? “Norway’s Institute for Public Health reported that if masks did work then any difference in infection rates...

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Words Matter: PSA Part 3

PSA Part 3 As promised, here is the 2012 study that found an increased risk for SOME “non-influenza viruses” for SOME people who got flu shots: We note that it also found a LOWERED risk for some OTHER “non-influenza...

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Words Matter: PSA Part 2

PSA Part 2: The reason terminology matters (besides for the indisputable fact that words always matter) So here we have a Medscape article, telling us that the world’s first coronavirus RE-infection has been reported. But … is it REALLY a reinfection? It doesn’t seem to be, not...

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Words Matter: PSA Part 1

It’s very important that we are always accurate in how we use terminology. Words matter. Yes? Yes. So let’s get something straight here: COVID-19 is not the name of the virus. SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus. COVID-19 is the terminology for the severe lung issues some people get....

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HR836 Did not pass…yet.

HR836 did not pass…yet. Yesterday was a solemn day in PA – the “Birthplace of Liberty”, whose motto, “Virtue, Liberty, Independence” seems very ironic right now – and not in a funny stand-up comedy way – more in a nauseating ate-too-much-fondue kind...

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Intervention Without Evidence

We think everyone should hold evidence-based medicine in high regard. But what happens when evidence for a medical intervention is lacking, yet the intervention is implemented anyway? What happens when it is implemented world-wide? Political grandstanding becomes the convenient substitute for...

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Is the HPV shot Causing Cervical Cancer?

Did you know that in Maryland, an absolutely insane amount of money was thrown around to market and policy-push HPV vaccines for preteens? We assume that the same thing has happened in every state. If anyone has any information on how much, and which institutions pocked it, please post it here,...

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