From the British Medical Journal

From the Executive Editor of the BMJ (British Medical Journal): “Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health. Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic...

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How to Hide Vaccine Problems?

Today’s tutorial (short quiz included): how to make sure NOBODY can see whether your product might play a causal role in any long-term serious problems, like increasing the chance of autoimmune issues (which can appear months later) or cancer (which can take years to become apparent) Lesson...

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Larry King Has Died

We are sad to learn of Larry King’s passing. We are also sad to point out that COVID-19 vaccines have not been assessed for safety in patients who just recovered (or perhaps are still recovering) from the virus. We do not know whether or not Mr. King, in fact, received the...

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The Stats on VAERS as of January 22, 2021

Today, 1/22/2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) published the reports they have processed through 1/15/2021 (so we have no idea how many reports have been received in the last week or so). The numbers are troubling. See below. But first, some explanation: The term...

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Questions to Ask

Today! At noon!!! You may want to go to ask questions and find out what is being planned. There are important questions that need to be asked. How do we know if our immune systems are predisposed to have allergic reactions to PEG, an ingredient in both COVID-19 vaccines? What is being done to...

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HHS Changes the VICP While Everyone Had Eyes on the Inauguration

Breaking news, folks. While we were all watching the inauguration, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a new final rule effective Feb 22, 2021. Per today’s Federal Register (Jan 20), Vaccine Injury Compensation Program will no longer recognize disabling shoulder injuries...

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Title: Connecticut’s Largest COVID Vaccination Site is a Drive-thru

They have a separate lane for adverse reactions. You’re supposed to put your hazard lights on if you’re having an adverse reaction. Apparently, that is when they tell you to drive over to the adverse reaction lane. What could possibly go wrong? Connecticut’s largest COVID vaccination site is...

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To Bloomberg

To Bloomberg , @Lars Taraldsen , @Naomi Kresge , @Keipp Talbot ,and Statens legemiddelverk (the Norwegian Medicines Agency): Thank you for the well-written Bloomberg article that we linked below. We appreciate the many aspects of the issue you covered. We also have many questions. Might you be...

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13 reports of facial paralysis following COVID-19 vaccination

From Israel: 13 reports of facial paralysis following COVID-19 vaccination. Doctors in the health system estimate that the number of cases is higher. Nowhere do we see ANY health official or manufacturer offering an explanation as to HOW the vaccine might cause this. Israel is using the...

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