Help us reach the Veto-Proof majority and END THE DISASTER DECLARATION in PA!
HR836, the resolution to end the disaster declaration here in PA, has been vetoed by Wolf and returned to the General Assembly. We have another chance to push this through is we can get the 2/3 VETO-PROOF majority necessary to END THE DISASTER DECLARATION.
We have heard enough from Wolf to know that he is in no way supportive of medical freedom. His continual references to a vaccine and his propaganda that masks make you free just wreak of government overreach and pharmaceutical influence. It is time that the disenfranchised citizens of PA regain the legislative representation required in a Republic. Ending the disaster declaration will restore the appropriate balance of power with all 3 branches of government taking their part in the process.
TAKE ACTION:Please call and/or email these Democratic Representatives who voted NO on HR836 and tell them that you want them to end the disaster declaration.SAMPLE MESSAGE:
Dear Representative,
I am urging you to please vote YES to pass HR836 when it returns to the General Assembly for consideration. The current scientific consensus, from the CDC and other sources, is proving Covid-19 to have a 99.9% survival rate. Hospitalizations and deaths are down. It seems that we should now rally around this positive news and take measures to protect and serve the vulnerable without continuing to deny the general population of our basic freedoms. Thank you,
Your Name, Town or County, PA These are the email addresses for the Reps and Senators who voted no on HR836. We must FLOOD their inboxes! I suggest using the BCC option and sending in small batches to avoid spam filters. Emails provided here for easy copy/paste.
kboyle@pahouse.net, mbradfor@pahouse.net, tbriggs@pahouse.net, dbullock@pahouse.net, dburgos@pahouse.net, tcaltagi@pahouse.net, mcarroll@pahouse.net, mcephas@pahouse.net, jciresi@pahouse.net, ccomitta@pahouse.net, acruz@pahouse.net, mjdaley@pahouse.net, mdavidson@pahouse.net, adavis@pahouse.net, tdavis@pahouse.net, jdawkins@pahouse.net, ddeasy@pahouse.net, pdelissio@pahouse.net, ddelloso@pahouse.net, tdeluca@pahouse.net, fdermody@pahouse.net, mdonatuc@pahouse.net, mdriscoll@pahouse.net, efiedler@pahouse.net, ifitzgerald@pahouse.net, mflynn@pahouse.net, dfrankel@pahouse.net, rfreeman@pahouse.net, egainey@pahouse.net, jgallowa@pahouse.net, ngoodman@pahouse.net, repgreen@pahouse.net, lhanbidge@pahouse.net, jharris@pahouse.net, chill-Evans@pahouse.net, jhohenstein@pahouse.net, khoward@pahouse.net, sinnamorato@pahouse.net, misaacson@pahouse.net, mkenyatta@pahouse.net, pkim@pahouse.net, skinsey@pahouse.net, bkirkland@pahouse.net, bkosierowski@live.com, lkrueger@pahouse.net, slee@pahouse.net, mlongiet@pahouse.net, mmadden@pahouse.net, smalagari@pahouse.net, rmatzie@pahouse.net, smccarte@pahouse.net, jmcclinton@pahouse.net, jmcneill@pahouse.net, dmiller@pahouse.net, kmullins@pahouse.net, eneilson@pahouse.net, jomara@pahouse.net, dotten@pahouse.net, epashinski@pahouse.net, crabb@pahouse.net, aravenstahl@pahouse.net, jroebuck@pahouse.net, mrozzi@pahouse.net, csainato@pahouse.net, ssamuels@pahouse.net, bsanchez@pahouse.net, csappey@pahouse.net, mschloss@pahouse.net, pschweyer@pahouse.net, mshusterman@pahouse.net, bsims@pahouse.net, jsolomon@pahouse.net, msturla@pahouse.net, wullman@pahouse.net, gvitali@pahouse.net, pwarren@pahouse.net, jwebster@pahouse.net, jwheatley@pahouse.net, dwilliams@pahouse.net, ryoungbl@pahouse.net, mzabel@pahouse.net, senatorblake@pasenate.com, boscola@pasenate.com, senatorcollett@pasenate.com, costa@pasenate.com, andy@pasenate.com, farnese@pasenate.com, fontana@pasenate.com, senatorhaywood@pasenate.com, hughes@pasenate.com, piovino@pasenate.gov, tim.kearney@pasenate.com, senatorleach@pasenate.com, senatormuth@pasenate.com, jsabatina@pasenate.com, senatorsantarsiero@pasenate.com, sharifstreet@gmail.com, tartaglione@pasenate.com, williams@pasenate.com, senatorlindseywilliams@pasenate.com Did you participate in the PA Parents Public School Walk Out? If not, please click this link and learn how to join parents across the state in demanding a healthy school environment for PA students!
Here is the contact info for the above legislators with names and phone numbers FYI.
(D) | Bullock, Donna | dbullock@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3480 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Burgos, Danilo | dburgos@pahouse.net | (717) 772-2004 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Caltagirone, Thomas | tcaltagi@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3525 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Carroll, Mike | mcarroll@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3589 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Cephas, Morgan | mcephas@pahouse.net | (717) 783-2192 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Ciresi, Joe | jciresi@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4086 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Comitta, Carolyn T | ccomitta@pahouse.net | (717) 705-2075 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Cruz, Angel | acruz@pahouse.net | (717) 787-1407 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Daley, Mary Jo | mjdaley@pahouse.net | (717) 787-9475 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Davidson, Margo L | mdavidson@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4907 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Davis, Austin A | adavis@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1018 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Davis, Tina M | tdavis@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4903 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Dawkins, Jason | jdawkins@pahouse.net | (717) 787-1354 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Deasy, Daniel J | ddeasy@pahouse.net | (717) 772-8187 | ||||||||||||
(D) | DeLissio, Pamela A | pdelissio@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4945 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Delloso, Dave | ddelloso@pahouse.net | (717) 783-6437 | ||||||||||||
(D) | DeLuca, Anthony M | tdeluca@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1011 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Dermody, Frank | fdermody@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3566 | ||||||||||||
(D) | DiGirolamo, Gene | gdigirolamo@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-7319 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Donatucci, Maria P | mdonatuc@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8634 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Driscoll, Michael J | mdriscoll@pahouse.net | (717) 787-4331 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Fiedler, Elizabeth | efiedler@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5774 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Fitzgerald, Isabella V | ifitzgerald@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4111 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Flynn, Marty | mflynn@pahouse.net | (717) 787-8981 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Frankel, Dan | dfrankel@pahouse.net | (717) 705-1875 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Freeman, Robert | rfreeman@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3815 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Gainey, Ed | egainey@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1017 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Galloway, John T | jgallowa@pahouse.net | (717) 787-1292 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Goodman, Neal P | ngoodman@pahouse.net | (717) 787-2798 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Hanbidge, Liz | lhanbidge@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4102 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Harris, Jordan A | jharris@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1792 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Hill-Evans, Carol | chill-Evans@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7514 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Hohenstein, Joseph C | jhohenstein@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4087 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Howard, Kristine C | khoward@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4088 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Innamorato, Sara | sinnamorato@pahouse.net | (717) 783-9114 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Isaacson, MaryLouise | misaacson@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8098 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Kenyatta, Malcolm | mkenyatta@pahouse.net | (717) 787-9471 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Kim, Patty | pkim@pahouse.net | (717) 783-9342 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Kinsey, Stephen | skinsey@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3181 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Kirkland, Brian | bkirkland@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5881 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Krueger, Leanne | lkrueger@pahouse.net | (717) 705-2567 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Krueger-Braneky, Leanne | lkrueger-braneky@pahouse.net | (717) 705-2567 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Lee, Summer | slee@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1914 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Longietti, Mark | mlongiet@pahouse.net | (717) 772-4035 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Madden, Maureen | mmadden@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5811 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Malagari, Steven R | smalagari@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8515 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Matzie, Robert F | rmatzie@pahouse.net | (717) 787-4444 | ||||||||||||
(D) | McCarter, Stephen | smccarte@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1079 | ||||||||||||
(D) | McClinton, Joanna E | jmcclinton@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9850 | ||||||||||||
(D) | McNeill, Jeanne | jmcneill@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9902 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Miller, Dan L | dmiller@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1850 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Mullins, Kyle J | kmullins@pahouse.net | (717) 783-5043 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Neilson, Ed | eneilson@pahouse.net | (717) 772-4032 | ||||||||||||
(D) | O’Mara, Jennifer | jomara@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4090 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Otten, Danielle Friel | dotten@pahouse.net | (717) 783-5009 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Pashinski, Eddie Day | epashinski@pahouse.net | (717) 783-0686 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Rabb, Christopher M | crabb@pahouse.net | (717) 783-2178 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Ravenstahl, Adam | aravenstahl@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5470 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Roebuck Jr, James R | jroebuck@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1000 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Rozzi, Mark | mrozzi@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3290 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Sainato, Chris | csainato@pahouse.net | (717) 772-2436 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Samuelson, Steve | ssamuels@pahouse.net | (717) 705-1881 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Sanchez, Benjamin V | bsanchez@pahouse.net | (717) 783-7619 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Sappey, Christina D | csappey@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9973 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Schlossberg, Michael H | mschloss@pahouse.net | (717) 705-1869 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Schweyer, Peter | pschweyer@pahouse.net | (717) 787-2909 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Shusterman, Melissa L | mshusterman@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7524 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Sims, Brian | bsims@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4072 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Solomon, Jared G | jsolomon@pahouse.net | (717) 787-4117 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Sturla, P. Michael | msturla@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3555 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Ullman, Wendy | wullman@pahouse.net | (717) 772-8060 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Vitali, Greg | gvitali@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7647 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Walsh, Justin M | jwalsh@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-3825 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Warren, Perry S | pwarren@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5475 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Webster, Joe | jwebster@pahouse.net | (717) 787-0419 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Wheatley Jr, Jake | jwheatley@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3783 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Williams, Dan K | dwilliams@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9910 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Youngblood, Rosita C | ryoungbl@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7727 | ||||||||||||
(D) | Zabel, Michael P | mzabel@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8099 |