Having the Vaccine is No Trouble at All?

With all the complaining about “vaccine-hesitant” folks not trusting health officials on vaccines, you’d think the news media (funded by commercials from Guess Which Industry in the US) would know better than to use an obviously faked photo of a man getting vaccinated (through...

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This is what is happening in England

We expect that the same thing will be tried all over the world: “People who refuse a vaccine for COVID-19 could find normal life curtailed as restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports venues could block entry to those who don’t have proof they are inoculated, Britain’s new vaccine...

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Why would the CDC apparently exaggerate the mortality of a virus?

Our question: why? Why would the CDC apparently exaggerate the mortality of a virus? To our knowledge, there have been no significant advances in the field of cardiology in 2020 that would result in a significant DECREASE in deaths due to heart disease. Especially a decrease proportional to the...

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