Are your eyes on today’s news?

No matter what political party you either endorse or despise, PLEASE keep your eyes on what today’s news (NOVEMBER 7, 2020) is distracting us from. “The New York State Bar Association’s governing board has tabled until **Nov. 7** a vote on whether the full bar association will adopt a...

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Gratitude towards PA State Representative Valerie Gaydos

We are grateful to PA State Rep. Valerie Gaydos for insisting on accurate data reporting. And we are horrified that draconian policies are being enacted WITHOUT accurate data. Are we so numb at this point, so “Covid-exhausted” that we don’t even blink when the numbers don’t...

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Why would they do that?

We are so grateful to see so many people asking this question. And the next question is, “Wait a minute. Who are THEY in the first place?”  Sharing from our friends at Health Freedom Florida — and we can’t thank them enough for their astounding commitment to factual data release and...

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Deaths Following Flu Vaccination

We have to ask: have there always been this many deaths following flu vaccination? Or are adequate scrutiny and reporting FINALLY coming into play? Are you planning on getting a flu shot this year? If yes, why? And how do you plan to protect yourself against a catastrophic neurological or...

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We Are Honored to Support Children’s Health Defense

We are honored to support Children’s Health Defense, as they support and protect us and our children. They just made it SUPER-EASY to directly contact YOUR senators and representatives AND to join with Children’s Health Defense in urging Congress to conduct a thorough investigation into the...

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