This article was published in the Plain Trader magazine in January 2022.
To hear a recording of this talk, dial: 712-432-8774. Conference ID: 227326273# Sharing ID: 2101
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a nephew to former president, John F. Kennedy. This speech was presented at Family Days on the Farm in Lancaster, PA, in July 2021. Listen to this speech online HERE or continue reading …
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: I want to start by apologizing for my voice. I used to have a very strong voice. When I was 42 years old, I got an illness that is called spasmodic dystonia. It makes my voice tremble. I’m doing litigation under the racketeering law against all the vaccine companies right now. As part of that litigation, I had to go through the complete list of side effects that are listed in the 72 vaccines that are now mandated vaccine doses for American children. There are about 420 separate injuries that are listed. I had never put them all together in one place but I had to do that for the litigation. When I was going through the flu vaccines, I noticed spasmodic dystonia is one of the highest listed injuries in the flu vaccine. I took the flu vaccine and I got this illness in 1996. During that part of my life, I was teaching at Pace Law School in White Plaines, New York. I just believed everything people told me about vaccines. My children were all vaccine-compliant. I took a flu vaccine every year as was recommended. The school infirmary was right next to my office. When they put up the flu sign every year, I would go in and get my vaccine. I do not know that my illness came from the vaccine, but I suspect it did. For the last 30 years, when I go to the doctor to get it checked, they asked, “Was there a trauma that occurred at that time in your life?” And I’ve always said, “My life is a series of traumas. I don’t know if there was anything.” But their suspicion was that something made this happen. I don’t know if it’s from the vaccine or not, but it was irony.
When I was asked to come here, it wasn’t convenient for me, but I really wanted to for a number of reasons. Not so much to teach, but to learn something, because I think we can all learn from the Amish. I think one of the impulses behind their commitment is a universal impulse in all religions, which is how do we live our lives without allowing technology to become our masters? I feel that we all need to struggle with that dilemma. I feel that most of my career has been about trying to find the balance between how do we make sure that technology serves humanity and yet not become its servant. I think more and more today we are facing that dilemma where technology has now become our master and that our children are suffering in a very, very bad way. Our environment, Mother Earth, is suffering. We do need to do a reset, and not the kind of reset they’re talking about.
Let’s talk a little bit about how I got into this racket of being somebody who is questioning vaccines and helping inform other people about the vaccine ideology. I started my career working for commercial fishermen on the Hudson River. They got together originally in 1966 and I joined them in 1983. We have on the Hudson the oldest commercial fishery in North America; it’s 350 years old. Many of the people that I spent my career working for, came from families that have been fishing the river continuously since Dutch colonial times. It’s a traditional gear fishery that uses the same fishing methods that were taught by the Algonquin Indians to the original Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam and then passed down through the generations. One of the enclaves for the commercial fishery on the Hudson is a little village called Crotonville, New York, which is on the east bank of the river 30 miles north of New York City. The people who lived there in 1966 were not your prototypical affluent environmentalists. They were factory workers, carpenters, lathe operators, and electricians. Half of the people in Crotonville made their living, or at least some part of it, fishing or crabbing the Hudson. These were people who had little expectation that they would ever see Yosemite or Yellowstone or the national parks. For them, their environment was their backyard. It was the bathing beaches, the swimming holes of the Hudson River. It was their livelihood, their property values, their recreation.
In 1966, Penn Central Railroad began vomiting oil from a four-and-a-half-foot pipe in the Croton-Harmon Rail Yard. The oil went up the river on the tides. It blackened the beaches. It made the shad (food fish) taste of diesel so that they couldn’t be sold at the Fulton Fish Market in New York City. This was a very patriotic community. Crotonville had the highest mortality rate during World War II of any community in our country. Virtually the entire male population joined the Marines the day after Pearl Harbor. Almost all the original founders, board members, and officers of what became the Riverkeepers, were former Marines. They were combat veterans from World War II and Korea and Vietnam. They came home to try to do their livelihood, which is to fish the Hudson, and they found that they couldn’t. In March of 1966, 300 men and women in Crotonville came together in the Parker-Bale American Legion Hall, the only public building in the town. The fisheries were closed. They couldn’t sell their fish because of the diesel contamination. They were angry. They had been to the government agencies that are supposed to protect Americans from pollution; the Corps of Engineers, the Conservation Department, and Coast Guard. And they were rejected and dismissed. The Corps of Engineers colonel, whose job it was, was begged to shut down the Penn Central pipe. He told them, “These are important people.” In exasperation, speaking of the Penn Central board of directors, he said, “We can’t treat them that way.” In other words, “We can’t force them to comply with the law.”
By that evening in 1966, virtually everybody in Crotonville, New York had come to the conclusion the government was in cahoots with the polluters. And the only way that they were going to reclaim the river for themselves was if they confronted the polluters directly. Somebody suggested that they put a match to the oil slick coming out of the Penn Central pipe and burn up the pipe. Somebody else said they should roll a mattress up and jam it up the pipe and flood the rail yard with its own waste. Somebody else said that they should float a raft of dynamite into the intake of the Indian Point power plant, which at that time was killing a million fish a day on its intake screens and taking food off their family tables. A guy stood up, whose name was Robert Boyle. He had been a combat veteran from Korea, a Marine lieutenant. He was now the outdoor editor of Sports Illustrated Magazine. He had been there for 65 years writing about fishing and hunting. Two years before, he had written an article about angling in the Hudson River. In researching that article, he had come across an ancient navigational statute called the 1888 Rivers and Harbors Act. That statute said that it was illegal to pollute any waterway in the United States. You had to pay a big penalty if you got caught. But also, there was a bounty provision that said that anybody who turned in the polluter got to keep half the fine. He had sent that law to the libel lawyers at Time Magazine, which owned Sports Illustrated, and he said, “Is this still a good law?” They wrote him a memo back saying, “In 80 years, nobody’s enforced it, but it’s still on the books.”
That evening all the people in that room voted that they were going to start a new group called the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association that later became Riverkeeper. They were going to go out, track down, and prosecute every polluter on the Hudson, and eighteen months later, they shut down the Penn Central pipe. They got to keep $2,000, which was a huge amount of money in Crotonville, New York in 1968. They used that money to go after Ciba-Geigy, Tuck Tape, Standard Brands, American Cynamid, the biggest corporations in America…and won. In 1973, they collected the highest penalty in United States history against a corporate polluter. They got $200,000 against Anaconda Wire and Cable for dumping toxics in Hastings, New York. They used that money to build a boat. They hired a full-time Riverkeeper, who was a former commercial fisherman. They began patrolling the river, tracking down polluters and suing them.
They hired me as an attorney in 1983. Over the next 15 years, I sued over 500 polluters. We forced the polluters to spend over five-and-a-half billion dollars remediating the Hudson, and today the Hudson River is the richest waterway in the North Atlantic. It was the last major river system left on both sides of the Atlantic. It now produces more pounds of fish per acre, more biomass per gallon, than any other waterway in the Atlantic Ocean north of the Equator. It still has strong spawning stocks of all of its historical species of migratory fish. So, it’s a species warehouse. It’s the last refuge for many of these animals that are going extinct elsewhere. It’s kind of a Noah’s Ark. The miraculous resurrection of the Hudson inspired the creation of Riverkeepers all over the world. So, we now have 350 Waterkeepers in 46 countries. Each one has a patrol boat. Each one patrols their waterway, tracking down polluters, and we litigate against them. We’re now the biggest water protection group in the world.
In 2003 the FDA published a report that said that every freshwater fish in America now has dangerous levels of mercury in its flesh. And one in six American women have such high levels of mercury in their bodies, and in their cord blood, that their children will lose at least one IQ point. Around 2005, I was representing about 20 different Waterkeepers in North America (the United States and provinces of Canada). I was giving speeches and suing polluters – cement kilns and coal-burning power plants – for discharging mercury that was getting into American fisheries. We were litigating that most of that mercury was coming from burning coal.
I started noticing that at almost every talk I gave, there were groups of women who would come early so they’d get the front-row seats, and afterwards, they would come up and talk to me. Almost all of them were the mothers of intellectually disabled children. Each believed that their child had been injured by a vaccine, and specifically vaccines containing mercury. They would say to me in a very respectful, but also kind of scolding way that “if you are really interested in mercury exposures to children, you need to look at vaccines.” This was something I did not want to do. I had spent a lot of my life working with children with intellectual disabilities. It was part of my family DNA. My aunt Eunice Shriver founded the Special Olympics. When I went to high school, I spent 200 hours in Wassaic Home for the Retarded up in the Hudson Valley working with children with intellectual disabilities. I had been a hugger and a coach at Special Olympics since I was eight years old. It was something that was part of my family’s history, but it was not what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to protect clean water.
One of these women came to my home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts in the summer of 2005. She was a psychologist from Minnesota. She had a child who had been perfectly healthy, got a mercury vaccine, and became profoundly disabled with severe autism. She had gotten a $20 million judgment from the vaccine court. Her name is Sarah Bridges. Her son’s name is Porter Bridges, and he’s still nonverbal today. She had her settlement. She did not want this to happen to other children. She drove all the way up to Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, and she found my little bungalow there. She took a pile of scientific studies about 18 inches thick out of her trunk, and put them on the front porch of my house. Studies showing that mercury in vaccines was causing severe intellectual disabilities in children. She said to me, “I am not going to leave here till you read these.” I’m very accustomed to reading science. It’s part of my job as an environmental lawyer, where I’ve brought hundreds and hundreds of lawsuits. Virtually all of them include scientific controversies. For each one of them we have expert witnesses. If I was not comfortable reading science and reading it critically, I would not be very good at my job.
So, I started reading the abstracts, which is a summary of the study on the front page. Before I was even four or five inches down in that pile, I recognized that there was a huge delta between what the public health agencies and the pharmaceutical industry was telling us about the safety of vaccines, versus what the actual science was saying. So, I started doing what I always did when I found something that I didn’t understand; I started calling the regulators. I started calling people like Anthony Fauci, the head of National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases. I called Francis Collins, head of National Institute of Health. I called Marie McCormick, the head of the Institute of Medicine. I called Kathleen Stratton, who was the chief staffer at the Institute of Medicine. The odd thing was, none of these regulators could answer my questions. I had many, many questions, but here was the one question that I think stumped them the worst: How can CDC be recommending to women that they not eat fish during pregnancy because of the mercury in the fish, and yet they’re recommending flu shots for those same women…shots that are loaded with hundreds of times the mercury exposure that they’re going to get from the fish.
None of them had a good answer for me, and they all kept saying the same thing: “You need to call Paul Offit.” This was weird to me because he’s an industry guy. He’s a vaccine maker. Why would the regulatory agencies be telling me they can’t answer a question and that I need to speak to the vaccine industry? When I called Paul Offit, he was very, very sweet to me on the phone. He started out by saying that he was a huge admirer of my father. He said that he got into public health because he was inspired by my family, so I was inclined to like the guy. So, I asked him that question. And he said, “Well, you see, Bobby,” in a very patronizing way, “there’s two kinds of mercury. There’s a good kind and a bad kind.” I’d been suing people for mercury for many, many years, and I knew there was no good version of mercury. Mercury is a thousand times more toxic than lead. It is the most neurotoxic element that we know of in the universe that is not radioactive. I knew a lot about mercury. He said, “The reason the ethyl mercury in vaccines is safe is that it’s excreted from your body very quickly. It doesn’t reside in your body long enough to cause damage.” Now, this is something that Eli Lilly and the pharmaceutical company, had been telling people for 60 years. There was no science to support it.
But then in 2003, a CDC scientist did a study. His name was Pitchero. He took blood from children who had been vaccinated with ethyl mercury, and discovered the ethyl mercury disappeared from their blood within one week. Then he took the same children and fed them mercury tuna fish. Fifty-four days later he could find the methylmercury, from the tuna, in their blood. So, this seemed to support this old lie that Eli Lilly had been telling for 60 years, that the mercury actually did leave your body more quickly. He published that in Pediatrics, a big scientific journal. Immediately, a bunch of famous scientists wrote letters to Pediatrics and said, “What happened to the mercury?” Because Pitchero had looked for it. He tried to find it in the sweat of the children, in their urine, in their hair, in their feces. He couldn’t find it anywhere. But these scientists said, “We believe it’s still in those children.” Then NIH commissioned a study by a very famous scientist called Thomas Burbacher up in Washington State, along with about 10 other scientists from around the world. They took macaque monkeys and gave half the monkeys tuna fish sandwiches and the other half they gave vaccines. The same thing happened. The ones they gave the vaccines, the mercury disappeared from their blood in a week. Two months later, it was still in the blood of the ones that they fed the tuna fish sandwiches. Then Burbacher sacrificed the monkeys, meaning he killed them and autopsied them. What he found was that the mercury from the vaccines was all in their brains. The reason it was disappearing from their blood quickly is because that version of mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier very, very easily. It was leaving the blood but it was not leaving the body. It was going into the brain. We now know that if it stays, 27 years later it is still in those brains causing inflammation and causing a whole grim inventory of terrible diseases.
During that conversation with Offit, I said to him, “Paul, how do you know that it leaves the blood?” He said, “Because there’s a study by Pitchero.” I said, “Have you read the Burbacher study?” which was the study that said it’s going into the brain. There was dead silence on the phone. At that moment, he knew and I knew (and he knew that I knew), that I had caught him in a lie. He said, “Well, you’re right. But it’s an entire mosaic of studies that makes us think it’s safe.” And I said, “Can you give me a citation on any of them?” He said, “I’ll get back to you,” and that’s the last conversation I ever had with him. I’m hoping that soon I will be able to talk to him again in a deposition, sworn testimony. That’s my dream.
Let me just give you a little bit about the history of vaccines. Again, this is an area that I had to get dragged into kicking and screaming. When I was a youngster, I got three vaccines and I was fully compliant. I was born in 1954 and I’m 67 years old. My own children were required to take 72 doses of 16 vaccines. Every child now in this country, if they comply with the CDC’s schedule, has to take 72 doses of 16 vaccines. The big change occurred in 1989. Why did it happen? Here’s what happened. Around 1980, they added a new vaccine, which was called the DPT, the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine. That vaccine, it turns out, was a very dangerous vaccine. CDC and NIH recognized that it was doing brain damage. They were telling the public that one in a million people are injured. But in their internal memos, they thought this may be injuring or killing one in 15,000 children, which is a lot. When you end up giving it to 86 million children, that’s a huge number of children that you’re killing. They said, “Let’s do a study.” They commissioned UCLA to do a study and they paid them to find out. The UCLA doctor who was in charge of that study quickly realized that the injury rate was not one in 15,000. It was one in every 300 kids being severely brain damaged or dead.
CDC did not want to tell the public. What they did was secretly changed the dose to make it less toxic, but also far less effective. Then ultimately, five or six years later, they discontinued it in the United States. They also discontinued it in Europe. I’m going to tell you something about this vaccine. They discontinued it in Europe and the United States, but the vaccine companies still had their facilities and they wanted to sell the vaccines. So, the World Health Organization, now along with Bill Gates, has arranged for this vaccine to be given to 161 million African children every year and virtually all the children in India. It is the flagship vaccine for the WHO. It is the vaccine upon which they measure national compliance with their vaccine programs. They may say to a country in Africa, “If you want money for HIV and the money we give you every year for your health ministries, you have to show us that 90% of your children are getting this DPT vaccine.” Because of that, it is the most popular vaccine in the world.
Bill Gates went to the Danish government in 2016, and said, “I’m giving this to all these children in Africa. We’re saving tens of millions of lives, and we want you to contribute to this program.” The Danish government said, “Okay. Show us the data that shows it’s actually saving lives.” Everybody believed it was saving lives. They just didn’t know how many. The Danish government said, “Let’s do a study.” So, the Danish government partnered with two huge vaccine companies, the Staten Serum Institute and Novo Nordisk, all pro-vaccine people. They hired a bunch of scientists who are famous pro-vaccine scientists, led by two men, Mogenson and Peter Aaby, who’s like a deity in African vaccine studies. They went to one country in West Africa, Guinea-Bissau, that had been using this vaccine for 20 years. The way they gave that vaccine out was they gave it to every child at three months of age. They already had a long program where they weighed every child at three months old, in that country. Around 1980, they started giving them this DTP vaccine. They noticed children were getting sick if they were too young, so they said, “If the child is not exactly three months when we visit his village, we’ll delay it and give it to him at six months”.
As it turns out, over a 20-year period, half the children in the country between two months and five months of age were vaccinated and half weren’t. So, they had this amazing data. It was a natural experiment where they could compare outcomes…the perfect experiment. When they started looking at the data, they found that girls that received that vaccine were 10 times more likely to die than children who did not get it. The girls were not dying of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. They were dying of anemia, of pneumonia, upper respiratory infections, bilharzia, sepsis, dysentery. For 20 years nobody noticed that it was only the vaccinated girls who were dying. The vaccinated girls were protected against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, but in protecting them it had ruined their immune systems so that they were vulnerable to the least scratch or other injury. Their whole immune system collapsed, and nobody noticed for 20 years.
It’s important that we understand that because vaccines are not a drug, but are considered a biologic for immune therapy, they’re the only “medication” that never has to be safety tested against a placebo. The problem with that is that you’re not looking at health outcomes in vaccinated populations versus unvaccinated populations. So, you’re not able to say, “This vaccine is actually giving us healthier children.” Those kinds of studies aren’t done by the industry except for that one time…and it was a catastrophe. So, we, Children’s Health Defense Organization, have gone out and found 71 independent studies that compared vaccinated population to unvaccinated population. These are among 100,000 studies on the internet on PubMed, which is the archive for every peer-reviewed publication. We have those 71 studies all posted on our website. What you can see in every case when you compare vaccinated populations to unvaccinated population, is that the vaccinated population are by far the sickest. They have diabetes, special education, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, ASD, all kinds of neurological injuries.
Here’s what happened next. There were so many kids injured by the DTP vaccine in our country before they pulled it, that lawyers were suing Wyeth, the manufacturer. All four drug companies were getting sued…Wyeth (which is now Pfizer), Sanofi, Glaxo and Merck. Wyeth, which had the biggest uptake on its product, said to Congress and the Reagan administration, “We are losing $20 in downstream liability for every $1 we’re making in sales. We are going to stop making vaccines altogether unless you give us complete immunity from liability.” So, in 1986, Congress passed the Vaccine Act. Ronald Reagan signed it with Democrats and Republicans together, and they gave these companies complete immunity from liability. So today, if you’re injured by a vaccine, no matter how negligent that company was, no matter how reckless they were, no matter how toxic the ingredient, no matter how grievous your injury, you cannot sue that company for liability. You can try to recover money from the federal government, and good luck with that. People do that. They get very, very small amounts. It takes them years, and 65% of them get nothing.
So, what did it do to the industry? Well, we know what that’s going to do to an industry when you tell them “No matter how badly you behave, nobody can sue you”. All of a sudden, Congress had said, “You’re not liable anymore”. Not only that, but vaccines are the only medical product that does not have to be properly safety tested. Why is that? The reason for that is because it’s an artifact of the CDC’s legacy as the Public Health Service, which was a military agency. CDC is still a quasi-military agency. That’s why the upper officers have military ranks like surgeon general and they wear uniforms. The vaccine program was conceived as a national security defense against biological attacks on our country. They wanted to make sure that if the Russians came after us with anthrax or some other biological agent, that we could quickly formulate a new vaccine and deploy it to 200 million Americans with no regulatory impediments. They said, “If we call it a medicine, we’re going to have to safety test it in placebo tests, and those take five years minimum.” That’s because a lot of the injuries that you get from medicines, including vaccines, have long incubation periods and long diagnostic horizons. Things like cancers and auto-immune diseases are often invisible for the first five years. So, if you give a child a hepatitis B shot, he may not be diagnosed with a food allergy for three or four years. With autism, the average diagnosis for autism is 4.2 years. You’re giving him that shot when he’s one day old, so you will not see that effect if you don’t have a long-term study.
They didn’t want to do the long-term studies because of the military threat, so they said, “We won’t call it medicine. We’ll call it a biologic, and we will make a policy that biologics do not have to be safety tested”. Not one of the 72 vaccines for our children has ever been safety tested in pre-clinical studies against a placebo. This means we have no idea what the risk profile is, which also means that nobody can tell you, with any kind of scientific certainty, whether that product is going to avert more harm and death than it causes. Nobody can say that. Now, I’ve been saying for many years that not one of these products is safety tested. Tony Fauci, Francis Collins, and all of them have been saying that’s misinformation. That’s a lie. So, I sued them and said, “Show me the safety study.” In 2018, Del Bigtree, and I along with Del’s lawyer Aaron Siri, sued them. We said, “You keep telling us that you’ve got a study. Show it to us.” On the courthouse steps after a year of fighting us in every way they could, they finally said, “Yeah, you’re right. There are no safety studies.”
What happened? Now we have a product they don’t have to safety test, which saves them about $200 million. They don’t have to pay downstream liabilities, which is the biggest cost. They also don’t have to spend any money doing advertising or marketing. Why? Because the government is ordering you to take it. So, all of the costs that a normal product would have to pay, they don’t. This became a goldmine for them. After they passed the Vaccine Act in 1986, there was a Gold Rush to add new vaccines to the schedule, including many vaccines that are utterly unnecessary. Listen, I grew up before the vaccine age, and I did not live in terror of the next huge rotavirus epidemic. I had never heard of rotavirus. There are only three groups who are at risk of hepatitis B. Why do we give four hepatitis B shots to babies beginning on day one? I’ll tell you why. Because CDC told American Pfizer, “We’re going to recommend this for prostitutes and for gay males and drug addicts, and so you put a lot of money into a factory to make these hepatitis B shots.” Well, it turns out, the prostitutes and the drug addicts and the promiscuous gay males didn’t want to buy the vaccine. So, Merck and Glaxo went back to CDC and said, “We can’t sell any of these vaccines, and we put all this money into our factory.” CDC said, “Don’t worry. We’ll recommend it for babies.” That’s how it got on the schedule. And suddenly, SIDS began appearing – crib deaths. I never heard of crib deaths when I was a child. Babies didn’t just die in their cribs. They had to make up a new name, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, because it wasn’t even in the books.
Over the next decade, we went from the three vaccines that I had, to the 72 vaccines now mandated for our children. And what happened to public health in this country? We have now a chronic disease epidemic, and what are those diseases? There are three major categories that are basically all in a Yale study. The first is neurodevelopmental disorders. Honestly, you guys probably don’t even know what these diseases are. But if you live in the outside community, these are now part of our everyday lives. You cannot walk down a street or visit a classroom where there are not children with food allergies carrying EpiPens and asthma inhalers. When I grew up, I had 11 brothers and sisters. I had about 77 first cousins. And I never heard of food allergies. There was one boy in my Catholic grade school who had diabetes, and that was a huge deal. Everybody knew he had to give himself shots and there was a lot of talk about it. Today there are children like that in every classroom. So, if you’re my age, you never saw these diseases.
We never heard of autism, and it’s not because autism was not diagnosed. It’s because it wasn’t around. By the way, to this day, I have never met somebody my age, 67 years old, who has full-blown autism. You do not see men my age walking around the mall wearing diapers, a football helmet, head-banging, screaming, stimming, nonverbal, toe-walking. And I grew up on the spear tip of intellectual disabilities. I was involved with it. We never saw children with autism when I was a boy in Special Olympics. We prided ourselves on being able to take care of every child, even people who were essentially vegetative. We would put the child on a special table and have them push a beanbag off the table, and everybody would cheer. We could handle every child. We never saw a child with full-blown autism. We couldn’t have handled them – children who would come in who were screaming and biting. Who had these terrible light and sound sensitivities and tactile sensitivities that you can’t touch them. They don’t like to be touched. They fight and are angry, and they’re in pain all the time with these terrible gut aches. We never saw anybody like that. It began around 1989 with all the vaccines. Now you have the neurodevelopmental disorders, the ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, tics, Tourette’s syndrome. Never heard of it. Narcolepsy: Never heard of it as a kid. It’s everywhere now. The autism rates rose from one in 10,000 in my generation, to one in every 22 boys today in the general population. I think it went to one in 12 in New Jersey, so the levels are still continuing to rise.
Can you imagine this? If a foreign enemy did this to our country and disabled all these children, what would we do to them? It’s an act of war that these pharmaceutical companies are making on our country. The second major category of chronic diseases is the allergic diseases. Peanut allergies, food allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, eczema. Like I said, I had 11 brothers and sisters. None of them had these diseases, and now my children have food allergies. I never knew they were vaccine-related. I have a son who is now very, very healthy and an incredible man. But he had anaphylactic (hyper-sensitive) food allergies. After he was born, he made 29 emergency room visits before he was two years old. He was allergic to everything.
So, with David Koch, I started something called The Food Allergy Initiative. It later became Food Allergy Network. David’s the oil guy who’s my sworn enemy and I sued him many, many times, but he had a son who’s exactly my son’s age who also has these anaphylaxis issues. We raised a lot of money, tens of millions of dollars, to try to figure out a cure for food allergies. Now, the scientists that we were hiring and bringing to New York, were not looking at what caused the food allergies. They were just saying, “How do we cure it once you got it?” So, they would give food allergies to rats, then they would treat them with different treatments to see if they could find one that worked. How do you give a food allergy to a rat? I’ll tell you how. You give them the aluminum adjuvant from a hepatitis B vaccine with a peanut protein, and that rat will now have a permanent peanut allergy. You give him the aluminum adjuvant with a dairy protein and he’ll have a dairy allergy. You give him the aluminum adjuvant with a latex protein and he’ll have a latex allergy. So, you have these vaccines that not only had that aluminum adjuvant in them but they had peanut oil excipients in them. So, we gave a whole generation peanut allergies.
We also know that the allergy occurs not just to other ingredients in the vaccine, but if you get that aluminum adjuvant and there’s something in the ambient environment at that time, you can now have an allergy to that. So, if your child gets that hepatitis B vaccine with the aluminum adjuvant, at a time when there’s a timothy weed outbreak, that child may now have a permanent allergy to timothy weed. There’s a study by Mosson Law that shows that children who got that vaccine have 30 times the rate of allergic rhinitis as children who are unvaccinated. You wonder why all the Claritin is being sold and all of these children have allergies today? It comes from the aluminum in vaccines. When they took the mercury out in 2003, they replaced it with aluminum, and you had this explosion of allergies. Aluminum also causes a lot of other brain injuries as well.
So, you have neurological diseases, and allergic diseases, and then you have the third category: autoimmune diseases. That vaccine is intended to permanently alter your immune system by making it hyperactive against the antigen, the viral particle that they’re trying to target. As it turns out, if you overdo it, your immune system begins attacking your own body. That’s what autoimmune disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus are. There are over a hundred autoimmune diseases now. These are now disabling a generation of children. In 1940, the level of chronic disease in all generations of Americans was 6%. Tony Fauci came in 1968, and the vaccine schedule began ramping up. By 1986 when they gave immunity to vaccine manufacturers, the level of chronic disease had doubled to 11.8. Today, as of 2006, which is the last time they did the survey, 54% of our children now have a chronic disease. These diseases are all in the categories that I listed. In 1989 the CDC instituted the National Childhood Vaccine schedule, and vaccine uptake dramatically increased. Now, if you look, all those diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, Tourette’s, the tics, ASD, autism, etc. they all went epidemic beginning around 1989. And every one of those diseases is listed as a side effect on the manufacturer’s inserts of those vaccines. Federal law prohibits them from listing that disease on their insert unless the FDA believes that science supports the fact that that disease is being caused by their product.
When I was a child, these companies were making $187 million a year selling vaccines. Today, they’re making $60 billion. But the big money is not from the vaccines. It’s from selling the remedies for the chronic diseases that are coming from the vaccines. So, if you look at the top ten blockbuster drugs for any of those companies, its drugs that are being sold to treat diseases that are listed on the manufacturer’s insert as vaccine side effects. That’s the $600 EpiPens that they’re selling to my children, the Albuterol inhalers, the Ritalin, the Adderall, the Concerta. This whole generation of children is now addicted to amphetamines. These neurodevelopmental disorders, the diseases that require the anti-seizure medication, the diabetes medications, the arthritis medications – that’s where the big cash is.
Now I am a measles survivor. It was extraordinary. I’m very, very lucky to have lived through that nightmare! So, what is the cure for measles? The cure for measles is chicken soup and vitamin A, and neither of those things can be patented. But if you give a vaccine that gives one out of every 300 of those children, seizure disorders, with one out of every thousand of them having lifetime epilepsy, you now have permanent customers buying really high-priced drugs for life. And if you can spread those risks out among 81 million children who are getting the vaccines, you’ve now created guaranteed profits for your company that will go on literally forever.
That’s why I say that it’s so important for us to think more like the Amish think; about how do we not let technology become our master. How do we let people like Tony Fauci convince us that good health only comes in a syringe? That it has nothing to do with the way that we care for our bodies and our environment. At NIAID, his job is to figure out where the allergic disease is coming from. Why are we having these epidemics? The autism epidemic is 100 times worse than COVID. COVID is killing old people. The average age of death is 84 years old. But autism is destroying these young people who are supposed to be taking care of us when we get old. Now, we’re taking care of them, and it’s one in every 22 boys. What is that going to do to our future? What is it going to do to our country? This is Tony’s job, to tell us where it is coming from. We know it’s in our environment. Genes do not cause epidemics.
We did a film about mercury in vaccines. We actually came down to Lancaster, Pennsylvania and we interviewed a doctor down here who ran a big, big clinic. He said, “Yeah, I’ve never seen autism among the Amish. We don’t have it.” At that point he never had seen it. The CDC was so angry at that. They put out things and they said it’s because the Amish are genetically different than the rest of us. Actually, the Amish are our control group, and they cannot stand it. And that’s why those agencies are going to do everything in their power to make the Amish vaccinate. It is a thorn in their side that there is a group of people in this country who are not chronically ill. People like myself can point to them and say, “What about the Amish?” Because what they’re saying is, “Oh, we’ve always had these diseases. Autism has always affected one in every 22 boys.” That’s what they’re telling us. But we can point to the Amish and say, “It’s not one in every 22 Amish boys. Why is that?” And they say, “Well, it’s because they’re genetically different than we are. They’re from a different planet!”
So that’s a caveat, a warning to all of you people who are Amish in here today. They are putting the pressure on you to vaccinate. Because they cannot stand the fact that you are healthy and there’s a control group that the rest of us can point to and say to the government officials, “You guys are doing something wrong.” Tony Fauci has led the way. His job is to figure out how did this happen? How, beginning in 1989, did every demographic in this country from Cubans in Key Biscayne, Florida to the Inuit in Homer, Alaska suddenly have an autism epidemic hit them? An epidemic that affects boys at a five-to-one rate to girls. It has to be an environmental toxin. It’s not genetic. Genes don’t cause epidemics. They can provide vulnerability, but you need an environmental toxin.
There’s a very famous environmental toxicologist called Phil Anderson. I’ve worked with him on many lawsuits. He did a list with 11 items on it, and he said, “There are only 11 things this could be. It has to be something that fits the timeline. It hits every demographic. It affects boy-girl ratio. What kind of toxics could that be?” He said, “It could be Glyphosate pesticides from Roundup. It could be neonicotinoid pesticides. It could be PFOAs, a flame retardant that became ubiquitous on that timeline. It could be ultrasound, which I don’t believe, but that’s one of the things that changed. It could be cell phones and a couple of other things, or it could be vaccines.” It’s very easy once you get that list to figure out which one it is. Any statistician will tell you, “Oh, here’s how you do that. You go into the medical records, which we have in the HMOs, and you look. Every one of HMOs has all the vaccine records of every American and they have all their insurance claims. It’s very easy to go in there and do a cluster analysis and figure it out.” Now if you’re a scientist in this country and you try to do that, your career will be ruined.
Tony Fauci controls 13 times the amount of money, annual gifts, as Bill Gates. And he has the capacity to remove study funding, because the whole university system in this country is dependent on NIH funding. He has $7 billion. He gets $6.1 billion from the taxpayer, which he gives out to scientists all over the world. And then he has $1.6 from the military, which he’s doing what they call dual-use experiments with, which is developing vaccines that are also weapons. That’s why he was doing the gain-of-function stuff with coronavirus because he had to do it to continue to qualify for that military money. The agency that he controls is $33 billion. You get the picture. The Amish are doing it right. We’re doing it wrong. Let’s figure out how to figure out what they’re doing right. Thank you.