We All Have Questions

Please read the following questions, and post in the comments which ones you think are most important to as Health Secretary Rachel Levine, M.D. in the upcoming Vaccine Virtual Town Halls that are coming up.

We also encourage you to include your own questions in the comments, and to “like” other comment-questions that you think are important as well.

We will add some more questions to this post, and ultimately collate the questions that  seem most important into another post, and we just might tag some health officials and see if they’ll answer them.

1) What will you do to protect those who are at increased risk of serious adverse reaction to Covid-19 vaccination?   One healthy test subject for Moderna’s vaccine, 29-year-old Ian Haydon,  experienced a reaction so severe, he developed a high fever and passed out 12 hours after the vaccine, and later said he’d never been so sick in his life. How will you protect those in more fragile health, or who weigh much less than Mr. Haydon, or both, who might have a similar reaction to the smaller dose than what Mr. Haydon got?

2) Why isn’t dosage calculated based on body weight?  Why are 110-pound 80-year-old women given the same dose as 180-pound 30-year-old men?

3) With the plethora of research indicating that vitamin D deficiency is strongly linked with COVID-19 severity and complications, along with the data consistently showing rampant vitamin D deficiency in the US (especially among African-Americans), why are public health officials not recommending that people check with their doctors to make sure they are not vitamin D-deficient?  80% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients were found in a recent study to be vitamin D-deficient.

4) It is very troubling to note that if something DOES go wrong for some individuals getting the vaccine, there is no accountability.  Even if those individuals can prove vaccine design defects, the manufacturers have no liability.   So why should we trust that any risk, even a small one,  is worthwhile?

5) Individuals who are truly injured by COVID-19 vaccines may file a claim for compensation in the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program — but this program has denied more than 90% of claims already filed for injuries following other emergency-authorized pharmaceutical products. Why should we trust that any risk is worth it, if those who do experience harm are unlikely to receive help from the government for their trouble?

6) Why are pregnant women encouraged to receive the vaccine when there is no data on pregnancy outcome, nor long-term data on whether the vaccine could possibly affect future neurological/developmental issues for the baby?

7) Will immune compromised individuals be protected from termination by employers who mandate the vaccine, if those individuals believe they are at risk of serious adverse reactions to the vaccine?

8) Why is this vaccine being promoted as getting us back to normal when masks and social distancing are still being required?

9) If studies were not set up to collect data showing whether the vaccine prevents infection/transmission, and if we know only that there is reduction of symptoms and severity for the vaccine recipient, why is the vaccine being pushed by health officials as a measure to “protect those around you?”

10) When will the state begin transparent disclosure of adverse effects in PA residents, rather than claiming that allergic reactions are the only problem?

11) Medical literature provides us with examples, of waning immunity as time progresses (either antibody titers and/or Memory T Cells), which prompts a valid question – How can a static target of some x% vaccinated population ever be achievable when there are such dynamic factors at play?