Homeschool Day at the Capitol Videos Transcripts

UPDATE FROM STEVIE Hello, PCIC Advocates – It’s Stevie here. Jessica and I are here at the Capitol today, as well as dozens of homeschooling families from across the state who have joined us for our homeschool day at the Capitol. We’re so thankful to have them here as well as some partner organizations, HSLDA and Parental Rights Foundation. We’re having a great morning and early afternoon learning about our capital and how to advocate.
We’ve had Representatives PA State Rep. Barb Gleim and PA State Rep. Dawn Keefer join us this morning to share about being legislators and that process. It’s been a great morning so far.
If you’re interested in joining us for something like this, we hope to do it again next year. You’ll just have to watch for updates as they come out next year, like in the spring timeframe.
In addition to doing our homeschool lobby day, we have a handful of advocates here that are visiting Senate offices to educate about a bill that is actually on the House side. It’s House bill 2037 It’s called, “increasing access to Childhood vaccines”. You can expect that we will be sharing more information about this bill in the coming days and weeks. This bill will allow pharmacists to and pharmacists, interns, and pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines from the childhood schedule for children ages 3 and up. Which is problematic for a whole host of reasons. We’ll be sharing more information about that, as well as some action steps that each of you can take from home to educate your legislators about the dangers of a bill like this.
We’ve started with the Senate with hopes that we can educate the Senate, the senators, so that if this bill does crossover from the House into the Senate, which we expect, there’s a good chance that it will, they have the information in hand to be able to vote accordingly. That is the other thing that we would be advocating for as amendments for the development.
So that’s what we’re up to here this morning at the Capitol and stay tuned for our April, May and June lobby dates. I don’t think we have posted those quite yet, still ironing out some details. It’s a very busy place on session days here in the springtime leading up to the budget. Hopefully, some of you can join us here so.
Thank you so much for watching and be on the lookout for more updates about that pharmacy bill and our social media as well. Have a great day!