The pro-medical marketing in schools is no longer relegated to a few inner pages of middle school text books. It is front-and-center indoctrination with social consequences for dissenters.
The CDC is now officially recommending to schools that they push pharmaceuticals to our children. And EXPERIMENTAL ONES, AT THAT.
They are also recommending this curriculum with lesson plans for teachers to use for such purposes.
This one-sided push for more medical interventions on our children usurps the authority of parents and doctors who historically have the authority over medical decisions for minors. Such government enmeshment of health and education not only violates parental authority, but abuses tax funding for public education by using our classrooms to market experimental vaccines that earn HUGE PROFITS for the companies that make them.
Neither the CDC or the PA Department of Health have purview over the public school system, and the Department of Education has no authority to promote medical interventions. This untoward affair of state agents targeting our children in public schools needs to be stopped.
Heartening news from Tennessee proves that some government officials are still putting children first. Pennsylvania’s kids deserve the same!
The CDC and Department of Health may recommend these measures, but it’s up to the local school boards, and even the teachers, to decide whether to implement them. Don’t let your local school board pass the buck and tell you that they have to follow the CDC or the PDE on these issues. They must be pressed to act on behalf of the families in the community where they have been elected to serve, regardless of federal recommendations.
**Speak out at your local school board meetings and tell them to KEEP PHARMA AGENDA OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS!**
Take action ASAP, as plans for the upcoming year are being made NOW.
Many resources are available to equip ALL concerned citizens, parents or otherwise, to put the necessary pressure on your local officials and keep Pharma marketing out of our schools!
Take 3 Action Steps today:
1. Email one of the flyers to each member of your school board. You can find their email addresses on the school website. Write a short note in the body of the email demanding that Pharma be kept out of our schools. Additional talking points are listed below.
2. Call the PA Department of Health at
1-877-724-3258 or 717-787-8092 between 8am and 4pm (choose English or Spanish, then choose option #2). Demand that they keep Pharma out of our PA schools. Additional talking points are listed below. (Do not call call after hours because the answering service will only refer your call to a local health department, not the state.)
3. Call the PA Department of Education at 717-783-6788. You can leave a voice message after hours. Demand that they keep Pharma out of our PA schools. Additional talking points are listed below.
- Schools should never take part in marketing or pushing any pharmaceutical product to minors, especially experimental products. Parents send children to school for an education, not for unsolicited medical advice.
- Soliciting minors at school to get vaccinated circumvents parental authority and creates an atmosphere of inappropriate peer-pressure.
- Minors should be discussing pharmaceutical products with their parents and their health care providers who know their medical history and risk factors-not with their teacher.
- Vaccine clinics do not belong in our tax-funded schools. Minors have enough peer pressure without having their teachers and peers pressuring and coercing them to get vaccinated prior to and during clinic days.
- Minors should only be tested with a parent present and in a medical facility. Keep EUA (emergency use authorized) invasive COVID-19 testing in the doctor‘s office, where it belongs, and out of our schools.
- The Tennessee Health Department just made the decision to cancel all school vaccine clinics and vaccine marketing and solicitation aimed at minors after the state legislators reprimanded them for appearing to be soliciting minors. PA children and families deserve that same respect.
Social Media Sharing – PCIC may not be on Facebook anymore – but our people are! Please download and share these images with a link to this blog post!