News Station Interview of Dr. Devra Lee Davis About the Dangers of 5G

Most of the news channels are dividing their air time between ugly politics and virus/vaccine news (which, when you think about it, is also ugly politics).

But tonight, Pittsburgh’s KDKA radio host Chris Moore just spent a fascinating hour interviewing Dr. Devra Lee Davis of the Environmental Health Trust — about the dangers of 5G.

Yeah, KDKA. The same station that, 5 years ago, practically exploded its own airwaves pushing a Gardasil mandate.

Apparently, things can change.

According to Dr. Davis, the new 5G antennas will also carry 3G and 4G, AND because they will be so closely spaced and close to houses, they will bring ionizing radiation much, much closer to all of us, and at far higher levels than we’d been exposed to before.

“5G will increase ambient levels of wireless radiofrequency radiation. Peer-reviewed research has demonstrated a myriad of adverse effects from wireless radiofrequency radiation including increased brain cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, immune dysfunction, altered brain development, damaged reproduction, sleep changes, hyperactivity, and memory damage.”

Yes, this is absolutely an issue about consent.

None of us have consented to be exposed to enough ionizing radiation to cause any of those serious health issues.

Please go here and check it out:

Like we didn’t have enough to fight against already…