Q & A with Dr. Rachel Levine

Monday, January 11, 2021

At today’s COVID Vaccine Virtual Town Hall with Health Secretary Rachel Levine, M.D., some hard questions were asked.

The answers are troubling.

Question: “Dr. Levine, thank you for being here to answer our questions.  Some of us here today have had previous serious NON-allergic reactions to previous vaccines.  How will you protect us from potential similar serious reactions (which are not allergic reactions, so epipens would not help)?

Dr. Levine:  “Well, we have not seen serious reactions to the vaccine that are not allergic reactions.  So, um, we have not seen, I mean, so that, for the Pfizer vaccine, there have been a certain amount in the United Kingdom, in England and in the United States, of serious allergic reactions.

All of the vaccine providers, all of the people giving the vaccine, have epinephrine and other medicines to treat the allergic reaction and the ability to transfer someone to the hospital, if necessary.

We have not seen other reactions to the vaccine which would be concerning and we’ll be monitoring that as is the CDC monitoring for any other type of serious reaction.”

Question: “The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has 877 reports of reactions serious enough to warrant an ER/ED visit.  Most were not allergic reactions.  Can more attention be paid to this, please?”

Here, Dr. Levine replied that VAERS reports go to the CDC, and they investigate, and she repeated that no serious reactions were seen in the prelicensure testing.



Actually, as most people know, a number of “Grade 3” adverse reactions were reported in the prelicensure trials.  We have attached screenshots of Pfizer’s package insert.  Look closely at the column for the second dose, and note how many adverse events listed as “serious” were reported.

Does anyone remember the well-publicized severe reaction to Moderna’s vaccine experienced by trial participant Ian Haydon?  High fever 12 hours after the second shot, sought medical attention, passed out AFTER returning  home, and says it was the sickest he’d ever been in his life. (Apparently, Dr. Levine has forgotten all about it.) Yes, he was given an experimental high dose (well, all doses were experimental), but he is a 29-year-old in great health.  How would someone smaller and in more fragile health do with a reduced but still one-size-fits-all dosage?  Haydon’s girlfriend reportedly caught him as he fainted. What if someone faints 12 hours later and nobody is there to catch them?

We are not against developing and offering vaccines against illnesses that have serious complications for some.

But we would like to point out that inaccurate (or dishonest) marketing is a sure way to lose consumer trust.

Livestreams and replays of the many Covid Vaccine Virtual Town Halls with Dr. Levine that are being held all month  can be viewed here: https://www.pasenate.com/vaccine/?fbclid=IwAR10G8wQpH2ttmlLfs6JRM9HJSWm2-CDrM-bNWJDBN8SctZFwAI8GRA9GOE.  .

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine package insert can be viewed here:  https://www.fda.gov/media/144413/download

Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine package insert  — which also lists serious adverse events — can be read here: https://www.fda.gov/media/144637/download

Read about Ian Haydon’s reaction here: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/11/fever-aches-pfizer-moderna-jabs-aren-t-dangerous-may-be-intense-some and also here: https://www.statnews.com/2020/05/26/moderna-vaccine-candidate-trial-participant-severe-reaction/