Journalism seems to be growing shoddier by the minute

Fox Business’s Lisa Kennedy Montgomery claims here that if a vaccine injures you, then the manufacturer can be sued in a class-action lawsuit.


You can read right here that Covid vaccines are protected from liability by the PREP Act.


IN FACT, all 16 vaccines we already give our children are likewise protected by a DIFFERENT act — and have been since 1986 — the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.


If you are among the unlucky with a catastrophic reaction, you are pretty much on your own. Your only option is to file a claim against the government. Think that will go well?

So we join Children’s Health Defense in their effort to correct the record.

EVERYONE should be fully-informed as to the liability protection of vaccine manufacturers.

EVERYONE should understand that liability-free products provide ZERO incentive for the manufacturer to ensure safety.

To our readers, if you would like to contact FOX directly,
FOX Business can be reached at 212-601-7000, option #3, and by email at


In fact, it’s a really good idea to thank both FOX and Lisa Kennedy Montgomery for allowing a vaccine-safety discussion in the first place.

If you have a personal vaccine injury story, or one in your family, please consider sharing that with them as well. They won’t hear about it any other way. And they need to know.

Because they’re certainly not going to hear about it from any other mainstream news network.

Fox Business are you listening?

LIsa Kennedy Montgomery, are you listening?