Mark Zuckerburg’s Congressional Financial Services Committee Testimony, One Year Ago

One year ago, Mark Zuckerberg admitted in a Congressional Financial Services Committee meeting that Facebook “discourages” people from being able to view pages and groups labeled by others –BY OTHERS! — as “anti-vaccine.”

Apparently, you could be totally pro-vaccine, but want vaccines improved so that your family is not injured AGAIN — and that is considered “anti-vaccine,” because calling attention to the harm done just might discourage someone else from getting “their” vaccines.

As if every vaccine came pre-owned by the individual accepting or refusing it.

“Anti-vaccine” seems to be defined by Mr. Zuckerberg as anything that would call attention to the harms caused or potentially caused by vaccines.

Listen for yourself:

Welcome to Facebook, where calling attention to product harm earns you “discouragement,” and where some “faces” are more equal than others.

Oh, you can state your opinion on your page. But your followers will be forced away from– oops, we mean “discouraged from” — actually being able to automatically see it in the way that the newsfeed was originally set up.

Whatever happened to DISCUSSING ISSUES???

Perhaps “Forcebook” would be a more appropriate name?